Taking Ownership of Sustainability


Sometimes theories and general principles aren’t enough; this is where specific real-life testimonials can complement broader notions. The same holds for sustainability – often times it is too big of a concept for us to wrap our heads around. McKinsey shares insights from various CEOs who have embedded sustainability in their organisations. One practice overlaps and becomes very prevalent: ownership.

The issue of today’s world being unsustainable is not just there for governments or scientists to solve – it is up to decision makers to take ownership of the problem and do as best as they can to make a change. This goes beyond “they” and “them”, it is up to us. On a daily basis, we are all decision makers in our own little way and have to own up to our responsibility to make the world more sustainable.

Still not feeling inspired? Check out the testimonials from Interface, Enel, Coca Cola and Unilever:



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